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Experience the all-in-one equipment management platform for users, inspectors and suppliers of loose lifting equipment.


Experience the all-in-one equipment management platform for users, inspectors and suppliers of loose lifting equipment.

This is how you ensure employees have access to equipment documentation
Mantas Kemzura21.12.20233 min read

This is how you ensure employees have access to equipment documentation

It follows from the Machine Directive that employees must always have access to important documentation about the lifting equipment they use. When this is solved smartly, you easily meet the legal requirements and prevent accidents. But there are more benefits to come.

Lack of access to relevant and up-to-date documentation for lifting equipment can lead to several problems in the workplace. Has your company experienced any of the following challenges - because employees did not have access to documentation about the lifting equipment when they needed it?

  • Interruption of operations or lower productivity, because you have had to spend time finding certificates, operating instructions and/or inspection reports?
  • Breach of central regulations, because employees lacked access to documentation about the condition and correct use of the lifting equipment?
  • Increased costs for maintenance and repair, because the equipment isn't used per the user manual?
  • Accidents, because the equipment was used incorrectly or wasn't approved?
  • Loss of customer relations, because goods have been damaged or for the reasons mentioned above?

The list is by no means exhaustive, and there are many more types of frustration - which have greater or lesser economic significance.


The solution: A digital tool

Digital tools open up a whole new level of practical safety and efficiency when the company handles documentation of lifting equipment. For employees to always have access to relevant data about the lifting equipment, many functions should be in place:

  1. Digital storage: In order for employees to have access from mobile workplaces, it's fundamental that the documentation is stored in the cloud.
  2. The supplier does the work: Let the supplier have access to the platform so that you don't spend time making updated documentation available.
  3. Mobile apps: Apps give employees access to documentation straight from their smartphones or tablets. These can also be used to document use and enter important data about the equipment.
  4. Training: The apps facilitate training in the workplace. Feel free to let the suppliers show you how to use the equipment.
  5. Tracking: Use QR codes or tags on the equipment. These can be used both together with the apps and to track where the equipment is located.
  6. Notifications: Notify employees via the app when important documentation is updated.

Gains when employees have easy access to documentation

Access to up-to-date and relevant documentation not only helps to prevent and solve problems. Such access also creates a whole range of positive effects, particularly within health, environment, and safety. Among these are:

  • Strengthens safety work: The documentation provides the necessary information about the equipment's safety functions, operating procedures, weight limits, previous checks, and more.
  • Better productivity: Detailed manuals and instructions guide employees on the correct use of lifting equipment. Correct set-up, operation, and dismantling help ensure that the equipment is used safely and more efficiently.
  • Faster and cheaper checks: When the inspector of the equipment has easy access to documentation, not least of previous checks, you achieve smoother inspections.
  • Better training: When employees have access to the correct documentation about the lifting equipment, it facilitates more comprehensive and accurate training. This in turn contributes to the lifting equipment being operated more safely and efficiently.

You only need Onix

There is a solution that helps you improve your safety work and meet the requirements of the Machine Directive. You've guessed the name already. In addition, Onix can help you achieve the benefits mentioned above.

With Onix, the supplier and inspectors of the lifting equipment can ensure you have up-to-date documentation at all times. Your employees have access to this via the app in the workplace, and with a QR code they have access to data about exactly the equipment they have to use.

Are you ready to try Onix?

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Mantas Kemzura

Mantas Kemzura, Marketing Manager at Onix, is one of the creative forces behind our digital solutions for loose lifting gear, playing a pivotal role in shaping our company's online presence. His expertise in loose lifting gear has been instrumental in positioning Onix as a leader in our industry. With a focus on innovation and customer engagement, Mantas ensures that our marketing efforts not only reach but also resonate with you that is interested in laws and regulations around lifting equipment. He is passionate about exploring new digital trends and techniques, constantly seeking ways to improve your workday.

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