Join Onix Community on the new platform

We're thrilled to share that Onix Community is moving to a new platform - Discourse! This is a significant upgrade to a more collaborative space where we can connect, discuss, and grow together 🚀

As of now, the ongoing discussions and Knowledge articles have been migrated to their new home. This means that the new Discourse-based Onix Community has officially gone live and is ready for you to visit at


Why we move

Hosted by Discourse, a widely used and established platform for forums, the new Onix Community offers a host of features to make our interactions smoother and more meaningful.

  • No separate account needed: You’ll need to create a new account, but you can use your Onix Work account credentials to log in.
  • Vote for change: Your votes help us prioritize the product ideas that truly improve your daily workflow.


Actions required

1. Sign in with your Onix Work account credentials. Voila, you’ve officially become a member with the power to vote, reply or react to posts.

2. Claim old posts that you shared in the old Onix Community (if any). 

  • Find your posts within the new Onix Community by searching for keywords in the content --> Reply under that relevant topic to let us know you’re in.
  • Our admins will make you the post owner, keeping you in the loop for new replies or updates. 

Visit new Onix Community


Help resources

Transitions can be tricky but we've got your back!


Your insights, ideas and presence will make Onix Community what it is — an engaging space for shared learning and growth. Thank you for being a part of this journey and we look forward to seeing you there!

Want to learn more? Get in touch!

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