The number of checklists inspectors have to juggle to perform regular inspections can be pretty whopping. There’s a lot of time and money to be saved – and motivation and job satisfaction to be gained – by making sure they are as effective and easy to use as possible.
The number of checklists inspectors have to juggle to perform regular inspections can be pretty whopping. There’s a lot of time and money to be saved – and motivation and job satisfaction to be gained – by making sure they are as effective and easy to use as possible.
Now, you might have noticed that pulling up your paper checklists doesn’t exactly “wow” your customers. They’re not especially impressed when they have to wait for days or weeks for you to bring your papers back to the office to complete the documentation.
With digital checklists, you’re sure to gain a bigger competitive edge. Being more effective means you can win over more customers by offering a better price – and a happy customer is more likely to come back for more.
Having thorough digital checklists also ensures that the necessary inspections, precautions, and maintenance are done with consistent quality, timely and correctly, and followed up with the appropriate measures. In addition, they provide traceability and accountability if something should happen, making it easier to pinpoint what went wrong and what was done right.
Let’s show you how!
With Onix, creating checklists is super easy. You set them up once and re-use them again and again during inspections. You can also copy similar lists and adjust them as necessary to save even more time setting them up. When adding a checklist, you also link it to the correct equipment type and job type. By spending some time during the setup, you'll save your inspectors a ton of time during their inspections. This ensures always using the right checklist for the right equipment.
The beauty of digital checklists is that you can also add details and procedure descriptions for the different checkpoints. Checkpoints such as whether the equipment has a user manual are straightforward enough. But if, for example, the checkpoint is for whether the equipment can withstand the required pressure, it might be helpful to have the procedure for performing the pressure test available. This way, you can also be sure that the inspection is performed with the same quality every time and by every inspector.
With Onix, getting the right checklist for the right inspection is extremely easy. You automatically get the right checklist by simply identifying the equipment to be inspected, either by serial number or by scanning a QR code or an RFID chip.
Since you’ve already linked the checklists to the correct job type when creating them, it’s also easy to get the correct list, whether it’s for a mandatory regular inspection, maintenance inspection, or operator maintenance.
You also don’t have to worry about whether an inspector is authorized for a certain equipment category. If they try to fill in a checklist for an inspection they’re not authorized to perform, they will get a notification in the app.
Filling the checklists can be done both online and offline, letting you sync the filled list to the cloud whenever you’re back online.
When performing the inspection, you register the status of each checkpoint in the list. Setting the status to “OK” is done with one click, and with one more click, you can add another status, a comment, a solution, or a photo. You can also fill multiple checkpoints at once, or you can choose to have all checkpoints automatically set at “OK” so that you only have to edit the ones that require comments or have issues.
The status categories are sorted in a traffic light system, making it very visual and easy to see what checkpoints need to be followed up. You can add comments and pictures where necessary. You can also mark and highlight details in the photos. By documenting findings with images directly in the checklist, you make it really simple for both yourself and the customer to see and evaluate the findings.
The more of the customer’s equipment details available in Onix, the more efficiently you can perform the inspection. If the customer is already an Onix user, the details will be automatically available. If not, they can be uploaded in, for example, an Excel sheet.
Creating, filling, and using checklists this way will make the inspection job easier and faster for you and provide better value for your customers. It also gives both you and your customer safety in knowing that everything is done correctly and at the right time.
If you want to know more about how it works, don't hesitate to reach out, we're happy to help!